Throughout the series’ run, our main cast has acted like terrorists despite clearly not being terrorists in any stretch of the normal definition, they’ve acted like adults and as kids, and they’ve also acted like they’re people that have lost their innocence yet still bare traces of that same innocence. Granted, it isn’t the first time they committed an act of such a nature-picking up Lisa was another-and they clearly don’t intend to get out of this situation unharmed at the end, but it makes you wonder what exactly they’re trying to do here. It got to the point where they were being pushed into a trap, yet still decided to go into it, and it was highly uncharacteristic for them to have done so considering the risk they were putting themselves in the process. It could just be because the first few episodes had Sphinx as such as unstoppable force that I got used to things being this way, but no matter the reason-even if Five has superior skills-it’s still strange that our protagonists were so thoroughly dominated. The thing is though, while I can’t argue against the skillful development of the episode as a whole, I can’t help but feel that something also felt off this week.
Five zankyou no terror series#
With the Police Department getting side-stepped during this entire process-they really can’t get a break in this series can they?-Nine and Twelve are forced to (ironically) go all out to try and stop a bomb they themselves set.

This episode gives our protagonists their first major setback in this regard, and it showcases just what happens when there’s someone capable of not only calling their bluff, but doesn’t care what happens in the process. At this point, it’s clear Watanabe’s not holding back, an ironic notion considering the revelations regarding Sphinx, who clearly are doing quite the opposite.Īs suspected, Sphinx’s goal isn’t to cause casualties, but to intentionally draw the police in and either use them for or led them to something.

Considering the significance of the Sarin Gas Attacks in Japan, the latter comes as something I didn’t expect to see, but if there was a show to challenge the norms of expectation, this would be the one to do it. “There’s nothing but misfortune waiting for someone who gets involved with us.Īs the fifth episode brings the fitting arrival of Five, Zankyou no Terror hits its halfway point with a literal bang.

Five enters the picture, turning the tables on Sphinx and the Police Department.The Police Department reels as they are led to a false bomb and their investigation documents are leaked to the net. Shibazaki manages to solve the next puzzle, but violates Sphinx’s guidelines while doing so.Shibazaki re-enters the fray, solving the newest riddle and preventing another bombing.Sphinx’s attack is revealed to have caused no casualties as they successfully launch a second attack on the Roppongi Police Station.

Posing as students, they successfully demolish the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building six months later.